Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Flea Vs To His Coy Mistress Essays - The Flea, Free Essays

The Flea Vs To His Coy Mistress Essays - The Flea, Free Essays The Flea Vs To His Coy Mistress Seduction has been the game most played through out the centuries, as males attempt to convince and invite females into their beds. In Marvell's To His Coy Mistress and Donne's The Flea, the speakers, propose a peccadilloes offer, which is so cunningly backed up by a liberalistic argument and is presented to each female when the generous request has been declined. These arguments are designed to induce thoughts of a carnal nature. The persuasions used by each are completely different but are structured entirely for one purpose. To corner or trick the maiden into saying Yes. Though both arguements are supurb, Marvell's has a nicer, refined style to it. In To His Coy Mistress and The Flea, there is an exemplification of just how crafty men can be during the hunt. The speakers, in both poems, makes a modest but declinable offer for sex to their maiden of choice. And, upon rejection, each male begins a fluent yet rhetoric arguments on why the maiden should accept his simple offer of passion. For Marvell, the argument was that there wasn't enough time left in the world, and that the maiden should partake in indulgence before it is too late. But at my back I always hear/ Times winged Charriot hurrying near(lines 21-22). He also states the unpleasuarble thought of the worms enjoying her verginity instead of him. Suggesting that if she continues to waste time she will die a virgin. then Worms shall try/ that long preserv'd Virginity:(lines 27-28). Whereas Donne's argument revolves around a metaphorical flea. Which as claimed by the speaker, represents his union with the maiden in matrimony, since the flea has taken blood from them both.It suck'd me first and now sucks thee/And in this flea our two bloods mingled be(lines 3-4). And, since their bloods have already mingled together, intercourse with him wouldn't be a sin and no honor would be lost if she yields to him.Though know'st that this cannot be said/A sin nor shame nor loss of maidenhood: (lines 5-6) Though however similar the gist of the poems might be, the art of seduction used by each speaker is quite different. The speaker in To His Coy Mistress seems to change his tone of persuasion rapidly from stanza to stanza. At first he is sweet, comming across as a gentleman and overstating how many ages he would spent on a single part of her anatomy A hundred years should go to praise/Thine Eyes..Two hundred to adore each breast (lines14-15). Then he dramatically changes to say that the worms will take her in her grave and that she will loose her beauty and die. In The Flea, the speaker tries to convince the maiden that they are one, since the flea has sucked both their blood and if she were to kill the flea, she would commit three sins by taking three lives, refering to his, hers, and the flea.And sacrilege three sins in killing three(line18). This speaker is however quick on his feet and very slick. The maiden kills the flea, proving his convivtions to be false. He responds however, by telling her that she suffers from false fears, because if she looses her virginity to him, she still has her honor. Just so much honor when thou yield'st to me/Will waste as this fleas death took life from thee(lines 26-27). These two unique poems containing their differences but over all more similarities are entertaining pieces for any reader to view and listen to the cunning speaker attempting to get his maiden.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How the French Describe Clothing Shape and Texture

How the French Describe Clothing Shape and Texture The French are specialists in great clothing  and  shoes. They differentiate them endlessly according to shape, texture and more. As a result, there are plenty of adjectives and expressions that are used every day to describe the attributes of clothing. Before using all these adjectives, it is an opportune moment  to review the basic rules of adjectives, what an adjective is and its grammatical behavior in French. Basic Rules for French Adjectives These terms  must follow the  basic rules of agreement for French adjectives. For example, if an adjective ends in a consonant, add an  e  to make it feminine, a silent  s  to make it plural. Adjectives are usually placed after the noun in French. Plus, the final consonant of adjectives is silent. It is pronounced only in the feminine when followed by a silent e. To modify fashion adjectives, the French commonly use the adverbs trop (too), pas assez (not enough) and vraiment (truly). The adjectives and expressions here are worth knowing, chiefly because theyll be incredibly useful in everyday life. Ironically, fashion is  the field where students lack vocabulary the most, even though it is a major theme in French conversations.   To remedy this lack, here are French adjectives and expressions commonly used to describe clothes. In every case, the masculine form is listed; the feminine form follows in parentheses only if the adjective  is irregular. La forme (the shape) Droit straightPlissà © pleatedFendu with a splitSerrà © tightMoulant clingyAmple largeÉvasà © flareDà ©colletà ©   low cutCache-coeur crossed/wrapped over the chest Laspect et la texture (the appearance  and the texture) Doux (douce) softRugueux (rugueuse) roughÉpais (à ©paisse) thickFluide fluidFin thinChaud warmun pull qui gratte   a sweater that itches (there is no French term for itchy)Confortable  Ã‚  comfortable (note the  n in French)Transparent   see-through Le look (the look) Chic  (the same in feminine) stylishÉlà ©gant   elegant la mode   fashionable  Dà ©modà ©Ã‚   old-fashionedBranchà ©Ã‚   trendyCool   hip, coolSympa   niceJoli   prettyBeau  (belle) beautifulMagnifique   gorgeousPas mal   not badLaid   uglyMoche   ugly (slang)Uni   plainChargà ©Ã‚   busySobre   understatedVoyant   gaudyVulgaire   vulgarSexy   sexyUni  Ã‚  plain  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Imprimà ©Ã‚  Ã‚  printed  Ã‚  Rayà ©Ã‚  Ã‚  striped La taille (the size) Grand  Ã‚  big  Large  Ã‚  broad, wide, largeLong  (longue)   longCourt  Ã‚  shortÉtroit  Ã‚  tight Le Prix  (the price) Cher  (chà ¨re)   expensiveHors de  prix  Ã‚  super expensivePas  cher  Ã‚  inexpensive, cheap  (inexpensive is  literally  bon  marchà ©,  but thats never used)Soldà ©Ã‚  Ã‚  marked down Expressions Cette robe... this dress... ...tombe  bien  sur  toi  Ã‚  falls nicely on you...te  va  bien  Ã‚  fits you nicely (we use an indirect object pronoun and the verb  aller)...tamincit  Ã‚  makes you look thinner Ce  pantalon... this pair of pants...  te  va  pas du tout  Ã‚  doesnt fit you at all...te  grossis  Ã‚  makes you look  gratte  Ã‚  is itchy / itches   Now that you know how to describe many kinds of clothing, you may want to know how to say their colors, too.  Study how to say  various colors in French  and the very strict rules you must follow when using them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Current Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Economic - Essay Example According to Aversa, May â€Å"was the second month in a row that consumer spending went up by 0.5 percent.† This is a trend showing that May was not merely a fluke, and this could be the start of a sustainable trend. Further supporting that hypothesis was the fact that incomes also rebounded in May. As Aversa asserts, incomes are â€Å"the fuel for future spending.† Thus, it is a reasonable assumption that we could see continued strong performance on this leading economic indicator. Aversa also mentions in her article that construction spending also increased in May by nearly a full percentage point. This increase in construction spending was â€Å"the biggest gain in nearly 1  ½ years,† and was fueled by â€Å"Brisk spending on big government projects, such as hospitals and other health care facilities, and by private builders on commercial construction, such as office buildings, eclipsed continued weakness in the housing sector.† The combined increases in consumer and construction spending arguably illustrate broad economic strength in both the commercial and personal consumer areas leading into the summer months. This article speaks directly to a couple of very fundamental economic indicators. While it is mostly a litany of facts about the state of economic performance in May, the article alludes to the power of incomes and spending to produce a strong economy. Spending, both consumer and commercial, quickly reverberates to other areas of the economy. Without strong consumer and other spending, it is difficult for other factors of economic health to take hold. Manufacturing and production will only result in large idle inventories if spending is low. That means fewer jobs as companies seek to slash there supplies in response to lower demand, and in doing so reduce their overhead costs including employment. On the other hand, strong consumer spending translates into increased manufacturing of supply, which in turn leads to greater hiring and lower

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Interracial Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interracial Relationships - Essay Example Hence, acculturation has been in vogue particularly from the second half of the last century, and people have not only given up the policy of ethno-racial hatred, but are also entering into matrimonial relationships with the individuals belonging to the races that were considered to be inferior and rival ones for the last many centuries. â€Å"Of course racial mixture is nothing new – it has been the history of the world. What stand out as novel are the forms of political contestation gathering around the topic of ‘mixed race’† (Parker & Song 2001, 1) 1 It is a reality beyond suspicion that there certainly exists a significant proportion of society that views his race as inferior one in comparison to others and enters into marital knot with some other ethnic group in order to conceal its complex on the one hand, and produce comparatively better generation in the form of bi-cultural children on the other. However, the history is replete with several examples of interracial love affairs, which end into happy marital union without displaying the slightest signs of inferiority complexes in the background. As we approach the twenty-first century biracialism and biculturalism are becoming increasingly common. Skin color and place of birth are no longer reliable signifiers of one's identity or origin. (O’Hearn 2008) The literary pieces, including â€Å"How It Feels to be Coloured to Me†, by Zora Neale Hurston, express the sentiment and feelings of the Blacks while their interaction with the majority white community of the USA. Similarly, Amiri Baraka's play â€Å"SOS† (1964) also serves as a gorgeous expression of the pain one feels out of the miseries and complexes the minority ethnic groups undergo while living far from their native land. The contemporary era has witnessed tremendous growth and developments in the field of communications in the aftermath of rapid technological advancements. Consequently, travelling fro m one part of the globe to the others has become vehemently popular, swift and easy. People move to the advanced regions, including the USA and Europe, in the pursuit of superior employment, health, education and career prospects, which has forced the people of divergent racial groups to live in the multi-cultural society and to work in the multi-racial organizations. Gone are the days when the African Americans were brought as slaves in chains for the labor, toil and substandard services from their native land, and were looked down upon by the Arabs, Turks, White Anglo Saxon Population (WASP) and others as inferior creature. As a result, an overwhelming majority of the Blacks, Chinese and Japanese marry the whites taking into a step towards their growth and progress in the social hierarchy. The Blacks were humiliated and abhorred by the whites and they were not allowed to travel and inter-dine even with the whites, and they were deprived of even basic necessities of life. The same was the fate of the yellow races including the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and others. However, the situation took drastic turn and the brave and courageous Blacks launched the Harlem

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Does gay marriage threaten the family Essay Example for Free

Does gay marriage threaten the family Essay The question is clear does gay marriages threatens the family? To my belief yes it does with a capital Y. It is for a very simple reason that it nullifies the basic web of the society, the family. By the term alone, for instance if a two male person established among themselves what they so called â€Å"conjugal love or the so called domestic partnership â€Å"who would be called the mommy and the dad. If they have children by adoption or from the other partner would that child not be confused that his or her mom is physically and physiologically like his dad? In this aspect it also waters down the dignity of a man and that of a woman. For all we know yes we are created equal but were given recognition that each one has his and her role to play. And that part cannot be taken away by some whims of only few individuals. In fact, it is everyone’s concern to value his masculinity and for the woman her femininity. Those who can not recognize this fact is in no way no longer care for respect for the right reason. Ralph Wedgewoods justifications are like a mens rea. Justification does not eliminate one’s malicious act. He justifies gay marriages by attacking the evils in marriages. He could have forgotten that he is once a product of a basic family of a union between a man and a woman. Divorce, children born out of wedlock, abandonment, etc. are ills to our society but must not be taken into account that since we have this evil, marriage is doomed. In fact, a holy marriage is a sanctuary, a place where we could raise good citizens of the world. When love is lacking between a complete man and a complete woman, how can we be so sure that love between the same sexes is less chaotic? I do not deny the value of clean friendship here; same sexes could love each other in a platonic and respectful way. Giving into licentiousness already debases the human dignity, and that dignity is for everyone. Perfect union is only enjoyed by legitimate love. Anything outside of it is simply lust. And when lust diminishes convulsion of consciences regains unless that conscience has had hardened its heart not being able to conceive what is right and what is wrong. Maggie Gallagher’s discusses in her book â€Å"What is Marriage for? †. That gay marriage is nothing new. It could be accepted in Massachusetts and may infiltrate the 50 states of America. Marriage is defined as giving a legal ground for sexual desires of adult individual but it has more to offer. Well it is not simply institutionalizing a marriage and begetting children. It is beyond that. Moreover it is not only for the elite. But justice dictates that if a man and a woman can not properly raise a child it is better for him and her to live continence. Many have fallen into the ifs’ and buts’ of marriage, but if we could only look at one direction and try to research what it really mean to be. Finally, everyone could have a conclusion that marriage is never a license but more of a gift of faith and love. Matrimony is defined in the Humane Vitae (Human life) as Married love which is far from being the effect of the result of blind evolution of the natural forces in which husband and wife through mutual gift of themselves perfect themselves as one in cooperating with God for generating new lives. It is a love that is total. How many have come in to marriage without valuing this basic requirement? They are the ones on the event of sorrows of daily life ran away from their commitment. It is them who forget that married love is faithful and exclusive until death. They never thought that it is a real commitment and not just a sharing of domestic problems. â€Å"Marriage and conjugal love are ordained toward procreation and education of children which are the supreme gift of marriage. † (VI, 1968) This always includes responsible parenthood and the observance of the natural law. Marriage between same sex is not only a direct defiance to God’s will who have created the whole universe but a rendering injustice to ones self. A man with a common sense knew that anything unnatural is a hoax. Never would a man find complete ecstasy on any union that is filled with guilt and full of perversion. In Kerry Howley`s debate, she stresses more on the political side of the issue. The author could have forgotten one dimension of marriage. This social institution is not only bounded by a certain state but is treated more of a sacrament. The unions between spouses are not only by civil norms but out bounds the soul. Religion, the church, and God who created you and me have institutionalized marriage to be the seed of His elects. Here we are not negating the rights of lesbians and homosexuals, in fact our society of today are more civil with them and accepted them as creative and respectable individuals. But to carry on an error of licentiousness we are just debasing their human existence. There are always limitations where we can not be what we want but in the eye of a believer of truth he could see beyond even if his eyes are closed. Let consciences be heard and man will bend his knees, for all we know something out there is of greater value, more precious than gold. Our soul and its eternal end.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nineteen Eighty Four - Fiction :: essays research papers

â€Å"Nineteen Eighty Four† – Fictional World   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In English this semester we have studied three different texts. All three texts were based on original, fictional worlds. The fictional world which stood out above the rest and really amazed me would have to be ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’. ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ was the most realistic out of the three. While reading the novel you really get into the fictional world and think like the main character Winston Smith. Three aspects of the text which made this world so interesting to study were The Inner Party, Big Brother, and the Thought Police. Each of these interesting aspects in Nineteen Eighty Four play a great part in the novel itself and the way the fictional world works.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Inner Party played a huge role in creating the fascinating world in ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’. The Inner Party was in charge of Airstrip1 and wanted to be superior over everyone. They wanted the party to be the people’s first loyalty over anything else. They didn’t allow marriage or even sex for this was an act of loyalty between two people and not to the party. An example of this is when Winston and Julia were caught having a sexual relationship and were taken away by the Thought Police. They were then made to betray eachother, love the Party, and to believe what ever the party said was true. The Party had control over everything even peoples minds. This was proved when O ‘ Brien held up four fingers and said to Winston â€Å"how many fingers am I holding up?† Winston replied â€Å"Five†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Big Brother also played a big role in creating the world which ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ was based in. Big Brother is a figure, which the Party has created to frighten people and give them more power. The Party can do anything they like and when someone questions them they can just say there under orders from Big Brother. Big Brother is everywhere in every house (except proles), every street, wall, and he is always shouting out â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU† the text which backs this up is when Winston describes that ‘On each landing, opposite the lift shaft the poster with enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures, which are so conceived that the eyes follow you about when you move’. Big Brother is so important to the world in the novel because the figure stops thought crime, gives the people someone to look up to and someone to love, lets the Party tell the people anything they want and the people will beli eve it, such as propaganda.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Zara Supply Chain China

Case Study and Exercises Exercise #1 We were given the formula of distance , where D – Distance from location L (distribution center) to location I (consumption point); – X coordinate of the warehouse l (distribution); – X coordinate of the store i (consumption); – Y coordinate of the warehouse l (distribution); – Y coordinate of the store i (consumption). Consequently, applying these formula in the Excel we receive the following result: Then, multiplying the distance by the amount of demand and summing up for each relevant location, we get: Thus, the answer is LOCAY, because it has the minimal score. Exercise #2 Using provided formulas , where – X coordinate of the optimal location for warehouse; – Y coordinate of the optimal location; – X coordinate of store i; – Y coordinate of store i; – Load (or Demand) of the store i, we get And finally The answer is (8;11). Zara's Case Study Company Profile Zara is one of the largest international fashion companies with 1671 stores around the globe. It is a part of Inditex holding. Inditex is one of the world's largest fashion retailers, welcoming shoppers at its eight store formats -Zara, Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home and Uterque – boasting 5. 93 stores in 85 markets [www. inditex. com], [www. zara. com]. In 1975 the first Zara shop was founded in Spain. In 1976-1984 In-Spain expansion takes place. In 1988 it enters Portuguese market. Followed by US and France, it quickly becomes world-brand and until 2006 it had 52 countries which held retail operations of the company. Za ra concentrates on the three principles to satisfy the customer [http://ru. scribd. com/doc/27372254/Supply-Chain-Practices-of-Zara#]: Short lead Time which results in â€Å"more† fashionable clothes Lower quantities – scarce supply More styles, which create a greater possibility of attracting needed customers. ) Zara's designing process organized in a way such that the stores, which actually interact with the customers, communicate to the head office in Spain the needs of the customers and the trends in fashion clothes. Thus, making it possible for the company to react to market changes within 30 days [http://thirdeyesight. in/articles/ImagesFashion_Zara_Part_I. pdf], which makes Zara unreachable for the same-size competitors. 2) Reducing the number of clothes manufactured in each style creates the â€Å"scarcity† which is applicable to fashion clothes. The less it is available, the more desirable it becomes. As a result, Zara discounts only approx. 0% of its products. 3) The stores are supplied with new merchandise twice a week, thus making them seem â€Å"new† every 3-4 days. On average, Zara creates around 11,500 styles per year [http://thirdeyesight. in/articles/ImagesFashion_Zara_Part_I. pdf; http://www. slideshare. net/koffman/zara-case-study-2780928#btnNext]. Moreover, m ost of the production facilities are located in Spain, near the headquarters, so that the company has more control over the operations, producing and distributing. Zara's characteristics of vertical supply chain Zara is a vertically integrated retailer. Unlike similar apparel retailers, Zara controls most of  the steps on the supply-chain: It designs, produces, and distributes itself. The business system that had resulted was particularly distinctive in that Zara manufactured its most fashion-sensitive products internally. Zara did not produce â€Å"classics†, clothes that would always be in-style. In fact, the company intended its clothes to have fairly short life spans, both within-stores and in customers' closets. Retailers like the American chain ‘Gap’ and the Swedish retailer  Ã¢â‚¬ËœHennes ; Mauritz’   completely outsource their production to factories around the world and mostly to low cost Asian countries. In contrast, it is estimated that 76 percent of Zara's production is carried out in Europe which is within the small radius of its headquarters in Spain. In fact, almost half of its production is in owned or closely-controlled facilities. Another 24% are produced in Asian region [http://www. slideshare. net/anusaj/zara-ppt#btnNext] While this gives a tremendous amount of flexibility, it does contend with higher people costs – that of up to 19 times as much as Asian ones. The group also owns capital intensive facilities in Spain, which can do dyeing and processing of the fabric as well as cutting and garment finishing. Provided that, Inditex has an ability to adjust to the new trend or demand in a very short time. Overall Supply Chain is can be described as follows: Collect the information from retailing points. At least two times per week the sailing points should somehow conduct the information to the headquarters in Spain, providing information for the groups in charge to develop and decide on the range of clothes which will be demanded by the customers in the observed future. This work is done by approx. 200 people, which develop up to 1,000 styles per month [http://ru. scribd. om/doc/27372254/Supply-Chain-Practices-of-Zara#] The information is also received via sales reports from retail points. Thus it can be claimed, that Zara has invested a lot into IT, to make the up-to-date information flow possible. Decide on the needed clothes, distinguish trends. After depicting and sketching appropriate merchandise for the stores, they send the order to facilities, which are located near the head offic e. Moreover, it should be said that Zara somehow lowers its risks by purchasing uncolored fabric or even raw materials, thus making enhancing flexibility. The process organized in such way, that final product may be even painted on demand. However, only cutting of material is done within the company. Actual sewing is done by workshops, which are mostly located in Spain or Portugal. None of the workshops belongs to Zara. The company provides them with instructions how to do the work for its own needs. Zara being vertically integrated has its own distribution network, which allows the company to further control physical flow. Since the time has a great value for Zara, the newly produced merchandise arrives to the stores within 48 hours. [http://ru. cribd. com/doc/27372254/Supply-Chain-Practices-of-Zara#] An esteem of time, needed to pass from development of the product to actual shipping is around 7-10 days. [http://thirdeyesight. in/articles/ImagesFashion_Zara_Part_I. pdf] Zara's development in China First Zara's store was opened in Shanghai, in February 2006, and during the first day store has managed to generate 800,000 RMB of revenue . Within a year Zara opened 12 new stores across China, and accorfding to the latest data (31st of July) its chain had 114 stores within China (out of 355 operating in Asian region) [http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Zara_%28retailer%29#Stores] in over 40 cities, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenyang and other. [http://www. chinadaily. com. cn/business/2012-09/06/content_15737684. htm] During 2011 Beijing Consumer Association was checking the quality of Zara's product. The result was that they accused company of selling lower quality products on chineese market. [http://www. chinadaily. com. cn/business/2011-04/26/content_12396211. htm]. However, the company doesn't seem to be damaged: no apologizes nor compensations followed. .On 5th of September, 2012 Zara opened its on-line shop in China.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hot and Cold Holding Essay

All potentially hazardous foods, except those prepared for immediate consumption by a patron, must be maintained in a manner that prevents the growth or development of bacteria. When holding foods for service, such as on a buffet line, keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Hot-holding equipment must be able to keep foods at 135Â °F or higher. Cold-holding equipment must be able to keep foods at 41Â °F or colder. Hot-Holding Guidelines When holding foods for service, observe the following: Stir the food at regular intervals to distribute heat evenly throughout the food. Keep food covered to retain heat and keep potential contaminants from falling into the food. Use a food thermometer to measure the food’s internal temperature every 2 hours. Discard any hot food after 4 hours if it has not been maintained at 135Â °F or higher. Never use hot-holding equipment to reheat foods. Foods must be heated to an internal temperature of 165Â °F and then transferred to the hot-holding equipment. Never mix freshly prepared food with foods being held for service as this could contaminate foods. Cold-Holding Guidelines When holding cold foods for service, observe the following: Protect all foods from possible contamination by covering them or using food shields. Use a food thermometer to measure the food’s internal temperature every 2 hours. Take corrective action whenever the temperature of a cold food item goes above 41Â °F. Never store food items directly on ice. All food items, with certain exceptions, should be placed in pans or on plates when displayed. Ice used for a display should be self-draining, and all pans and plates should be sanitized after each use. Whenever dealing with questionable hot-holding and cold-holding practices, always resolve the issue in favor of food safety. It is better to discard potentially hazardous foods than risk your customers’ health and safety. One way to avoid discarding too much food is to prepare and cook only as much as you will use in a short time.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hormones have a central role to play in regulating body function The WritePass Journal

Hormones have a central role to play in regulating body function Introduction Hormones have a central role to play in regulating body function IntroductionHyperthyroidismBlood glucoseHypoglycaemiaKidneysOsmoregulationHomeostasisBibliography Related Introduction All hormones in the body play a central role in the body, and quite a few of them regulate body function and help keep homeostasis. One gland that makes and stores important hormones is the Thyroid gland, which is located at the lower part of the neck, below the Adams apple and is wrapped around the trachea. The hormones it produces and stores help regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and the rate at which food is converted to energy. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The thyroid gland also makes the hormone calcitonin, which is involved in calcium metabolism and stimulating bone cells to add calcium to bone. The production of thyroid hormones is controlled by another hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This is made by an endocrine gland in the brain called the pituitary gland. The thyroid gland can become overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism). Hypothyroidism usually develops gradually. The symptoms are mild some of the symptoms are, tiredness, dry skin, thinning hair, sore muscles, weakness, depression, weight gain and a slow heart rate. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis, this is an autoimmune disease, which is caused by antibodies attacking the body, rather than attacking foreign bodies like bacteria. The Antibodies destroy the thyroid gland cells and this prevents the thyroid gland from working properly. Hypothyroidism can be treated with a thyroxine replacement medicine, called levothyroxine. Hyperthyroidism The thyroid gland is overactive and produces excess thyroid hormones; Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Its is another autoimmune disease. In Graves disease, the antibodies mimic the activity of TSH, causing the thyroid gland to produce too much thyroid hormone, leading to the symptoms of hyperthyroidism some of the symptoms are, shaking, being hot and sweating more than usual, losing weight, having increased appetite, tiredness, muscle weakness, palpitations and shortness of breath. Medical treatment of hyperthyroidism can be anti-thyroid medicines such as carbimazole and propylthiouracil, to reduce the production of thyroid hormones. However, over time anti-thyroid medicines can lead to hypothyroidism. Blood glucose Controlled by hormones; these hormones are controlled by the pancreas. The pancreas has glucose receptor cells, which monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood, and it also has endocrine cells (called the islets of Langerhans), which secrete hormones. The alpha cells in the islets secrete the hormone glucagon, while the beta cells in the islets secrete the hormone insulin. In a healthy person blood glucose levels should be 80-120mg.100cm- ³. Insulin is secreted when blood glucose levels are high to make it fall and glucagon is secreted when blood glucose is low to make it rise. As shown in the diagram: The most common disorders involving blood glucose and the hormones are diabetes type 1 and type 2; Type 1 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is caused by a lack of insulin either by a faulty insulin gene so there is no functioning insulin or by an autoimmune attack on the beta islets cells that produce the insulin so there are no cells left to produce it. This type of diabetes mainly occurs in children and young adults, onset is usually sudden. The main Symptoms of this are fatigue and copias quantities of urine which contains glucose. If this goes undiagnosed and treated then a coma may result from hyperglycaemic or hypoglycaemic, hyperglycaemia is where too much blood glucose is in the body, there is no insulin so no removal of the glucose from blood, the kidney then cant reabsorb all the glucose and the glucose in the urine takes water with it by osmosis, cells also can’t take the glucose in the blood up quick enough so start using fats and proteins in respiration, all this causes Dehydration, loss of vital salts and low blood pH which results in a coma. Hypoglycaemia Where there is not enough blood glucose, and no glycogen stores in liver because of the lack of insulin, glucagon has nothing to act on and blood glucose is too low to supply respiring cells which results in a coma. The treatment for type 1 is diet and insulin injections. Type 2 none insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is caused by a resistance to insulin and usually comes later on in life, a contributing factor to type 2 is also obesity, treatment is diet and exercise, tablet that increase cell sensitivity to insulin and in extreme cases insulin injections. Additional glands that make hormones are the adrenal glands (also called suprarenal glands), these are small glands located on top of both kidneys. The adrenal glands work with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Both adrenal glands are composed of two parts that have different functions and structures. The outer part is the cortex and is essential to life, where as the inner part is the medulla and is not essential to life. The adrenal cortex makes three groups of steroid hormones from cholesterol, collectively called adrenocorticocoids these are, glucocorticoids, minerslocorticoids and sex hormones (androgens). The medulla is completely surrounded by the cortex, and it is part of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. It is stimulated by its extensive sympathetic nerve supply to produce the hormones adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine). One of the main disorders of the adrenal cortex is hypersecretion of glucocorticoids or Cushing’s syndrome, symptoms of this syndrome include; weight gain and fatty deposits, skin changes, depression, brittle bones, muscle weakness, headaches and high blood pressure. Cushing’s syndrome can be caused by an over use of a steroid medication or by a tumour that causes your body to produce more cortisol. Treatments for these causes could be reducing the dose of steroid medication or for tumours surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. With the adrenal medulla the main disorder is hormone secreting tumours, which cause excess adrenaline and noradrenaline, the symptoms of which are; hypertension, weight loss, nervousness, headaches excessive sweating, hyperglycaemia and glycosuria. Kidneys Important functions to do within the body, there functions are; the formation of urine, filtration and selective reabsorption. Each kidney is associated with a different group of structures, the right kidney is associated with; the right adrenal gland, the right lobe of the liver, the duodenum, the hepatic flexure of the colon, the diaphragm and the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall. The left kidney is associated with; the left adrenal gland, the spleen, stomach, pancreas, jejunum, the splenic flexure of the colon, the diaphragm and the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall. The kidney is extremely flexible in its working. It excretes large amount of hypotonic urine when water intake is very high, while it excretes small amount of hypertonic urine when water is deficient and needs to be conserved. This is very useful in Osmoregulation. Osmoregulation control of the levels of water and mineral salts in the blood.   The water potential of the blood must be regulated to prevent loss or gain of water from cells. Blood water homeostasis is controlled by the hypothalamus. It contains osmosreceptor cells, which can detect changes in the water potential of the blood passing through the brain. In response, the hypothalamus controls the sensation of thirst, and it also secretes the hormone ADH (antidiuretic hormone). ADH is stored in the pituitary gland, and its target cells are the endothelial cells of the collecting ducts of the kidney nephrons. These cells are unusual in that water molecules can only cross their membranes via water channels called aquaporins, rather than through the lipid bilayer. ADH causes these water channels to open. It works as the diagram below shows. All these hormones that have been mentioned are working to help keep homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment and is important because it results in our cells being bathed in tissue fluid which has the correct amount of water, mineral salts, glucose and temperature, a great deal of the hormone system is dedicated to homeostasis. Temperature homeostasis is controlled by the thermoregulatory centre in the hypothalamus. It receives input from two sets of thermoreceptors: receptors in the hypothalamus itself monitor the temperature of the blood as it passes through the brain (the core temperature), and receptors in the skin monitor the external temperature. Both pieces of information are needed so that the body can make appropriate adjustments. As stated previously Blood glucose concentration is controlled by the pancreas. The pancreas has glucose receptor cells, which monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood, and it also has endocrine cells (called the islets of Langerhans), which secrete hormones. Homeostasis Controlled by our nervous and endocrine systems. The endocrine system is all the glands that secrete hormones (proteins or steroids) some glands that have been mentioned and a lot more that haven’t, the main glands are; Thyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas,   Adrenal, Hypothalamus, Testes and Ovaries. The endocrine system relies on negative feedback to maintain control. This works as shown in the diagram, Negative feedback means that whenever a change occurs in a system, the change automatically causes a corrective mechanism to start, which reverses the original change and brings the system back to normal. It also means that the bigger then change the bigger the corrective mechanism. Bibliography Bupa (2011) [Online] Available at: (02/04/2011) MedicineNet (2011) [Online] Available at (01/04/2011) Scott, D. (2004) [Online] Available at (02/04/2011) Tutorvista (2010) [Online] Available at (02/04/2011) University of Maryland Medical Centre (2010) [Online] Available at (02/04/2011) Waugh, A. And Grant, A. (2006) Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. 10th edn: Elsevier Limited.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Measuring and Understanding Wood Volumes

Measuring and Understanding Wood Volumes Measuring wood is part science, part art; you use many different units, you face many potential problems. The below  quote from  Converting Factors for Southern Pine Products, Williams and Hopkins, USDA, 1968 illustrates how confusing measuring and converting wood volumes can be. Measuring and estimating wood volume is not for the faint of heart. Theoretically, one cubic foot (of wood volume) contains 12 board feet. For average values 6 should be used, though 10 is a conventional figure for approximations. When the conversion applies to trees, ratios of 3 to 8 should be applied. When marketing your timber you must either know how to measure forest products or get someone to do it for you. At best you can be very confused when talking to a wood buyer; at worst you can lose a significant portion of the value of your wood. To make the situation even more problematic, some buyers use this ignorance of volumes to trick  the seller. They have every opportunity to do so and a few use this to their financial advantage. Knowing tree measuring units is very complicated and even foresters have a hard time when talking volumes. Three hundred dollar per thousand logs using Doyle log rule is not the same as three hundred dollars per thousand logs using Scribner log rule. Most mensurationists and foresters would agree that there is an advantage to weighing wood and weight is the measurement of choice. In the real world, however, it is impractical to totally convert to weight. A history of wrestling with the problem  of measuring logs  to determine how much usable product might be manufactured from them created numerous measuring units. These units are self-perpetuating because of many factors including foreign trade, standing timber volume, accepted taxing units, regional custom, buying and selling advantages. The Pulpwood Measurement The standard measurement unit for wood used for paper and fuel is the  cord. This is a stack of wood 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. containing approximately 128 cubic feet of bark,  wood  and air space. Air space can actually be as high as 40 percent but usually averages 25 percent. You can see where weight can be advantageous here. Pulpwood purchases by weight are very common and weight per cord varies widely with species and geography. A hardwood pulpwood cord generally weighs between 5,400 pounds and 6,075 pounds. A pine pulpwood cord weighs between 4,700 pounds and 5,550 pounds. You really need to determine your local average weight by species when measuring cordwood. Purchasing mills or men who harvest pulpwood can give you wood weights for your area. The U.S. Forest Service or your  State Forester  also has a wealth of information on regional average weights. Pulpwood bought in the form of chips are  separate  issue and for another discussion. The Sawtimber Measurement A round log, generally, must be made into square or rectangular pieces to be able to determine wood volume and value. Three systems, or  log rules  and scales, have been developed to do just this. They are called the  Doyle rule, Scribner rule, and International rule. They were developed to estimate board foot mill tally, usually quoted as thousand board feet or MBF. Our problem when using these log rules or scales is that they will give you three different volumes for the same pile of logs. Measuring average sized logs - Doyle, Scribner, and International rules - will give volumes that may vary as much as 50%. This overrun is greatest using Doyle and the least using International. Buyers like to purchase using Doyle log rule while sellers like to sell using Scribner or International. There will always be a difference in volumes estimated from scaler to scaler. They get into trouble when decreasing  actual number  of measurements and start estimating; they measure at inappropriate points on the log, miss estimate roundness, and dont deduct for  defect. Accurate scaling of trees and logs requires skill and experience. The Conversion Factor Mensurationists cringe at the word conversion factor. They correctly feel that conversion from one unit of measure to another unit of measure of wood is too imprecise to depend on. Their job is to be precise. But you have to have some way to estimate volumes and be able to cross over to differing units. You now have an idea of how complicated this volume issue can become. To add a conversion factor to volumes may distort actual volumes even more. Related Links Approximate Conversions of the Most Common Units of Wood Measure

Sunday, November 3, 2019

China is the new Neo-Imperialist Power in Africa Essay

China is the new Neo-Imperialist Power in Africa - Essay Example In most African countries, independence and an end to colonial rule did not result in their gaining of complete control over economic, or even political affairs. Although considered as sovereign states, African countries continue to remain â€Å"under the economic and political control of their former rulers and the rich industrialized nations who direct the economic fortunes of the world †. This kind of indirect, hidden command exerted on developing nations by the more advanced and powerful nations is termed as neocolonialism. It is the last stage of imperialism; and is defined as â€Å"control of the economic and development destiny by a former colonial area such as Africa by outside powers after independence†. Neocolonialism is illustrated by the British giving independence to Nigeria while at the same time maintaining control over the country’s political, social and economic spheres. Europe and the United States had colonized Africa and continued to exert neocolonialism over the continent even after acceding it independence in the early 1960s. However, they have mostly seen Africa as a recipient of financial aid, and a region lacking economic development because of high levels of corruption and divisive rule by the African leaders. On the other hand, China with its drive for development and for achieving prosperity has been eager to invest in Africa with its rich natural resources. â€Å"China’s phenomenal economic growth has seen the country rise to world leadership status†. The country’s distinctive position in the community of nations enables it to span the developing world as well as the developed nations as a part of the United Nations Security Council. Over the last six decades, China has changed its foreign policy from confrontational measures to cooperation, economic development and international engagement. Capitalizing on its linka ge with the developing world, China has strengthened its relations with Africa through trade and cooperation. Muekalia (2004, p.5) argues that China sees Africa as a partner in fulfilling its strategic goals of energy, trade and geopolitical interests. However, African leaders eager to initiate and benefit from their country’s developmental projects, accorded China control over their own countries’ politics and economic sectors. As a result, and also based on Chinese self-interests, China is found to be the new neo-imperialist power in Africa. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to discuss China’s role as the new neo-imperialist power in Africa. China as the New Neo-Imperialist Power in Africa At the core of neocolonialism is the fact that an independent continent such as Africa with all the outward trappings of international sovereignty, in reality has an economic system and political policy directed from outside. Africa needs to strengthen the econo my of its countries and eliminate neocolonialism. On the other hand, the technological and economic inequalities between Africa and the rich industrialized nations are so great that it would be impossible to accomplish the material advances required without the assistance and cooperation of these advanced nations. Significantly, few countries offer such help without ensuring the advancement of their own interests in some way (Boateng 1978). Edoho (2011) investigated China-Africa relations by contextualizing China’s economic activities in Africa and determining the outcomes of the evolving relations for economic development in the region. China-Africa relations are found to be the consequence of the marginalization of Africa in the age of globalization. After the cold war ended, western disengagement from Africa created a vacuum which China is in the process of filling. Africa is embracing China because of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Global Poverty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Poverty - Research Paper Example Extreme poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa however increased to 46% in 2001 and it combined numbers of individuals living in extreme poverty (World Bank, 2004). Some of the transition economies of Eastern Europe and Central Asia suffered a sharp decline in income in the 1990s and the breakup of the Soviet Union also caused a significant reduction in their Gross Development Product per capita (Radio Free Europe, 2012). Poverty rates in the region increased as a result; improvements were gradually seen in the following years with per capital incomes recovering and poverty rates dropping. The World Bank also declared that poverty rates would start improving in Georgia and Ukraine in 2007 (Radio Free Europe, 2012). World Bank figures also indicate that based on 2004 figures, percentage of people living in poor households in East Asia and the Pacific region are at 9.07%; in Europe and Central Asia at 0.95%; in Latin America and the Caribbean at 8.64%; Middle East and North Africa at 1.47%; in South Asia at 30.84%; and Sub-Saharan Africa at 41.09%. There are also other indicators which are being used to indicate poverty, including life expectancy, child mortality, food supplies or calories taken per day, wage, literacy, and access to clean water (World Bank, 2004). ... Africa is also predicted to suffer even worse conditions in the years to come. Economic aspects of poverty highlights material needs, mostly those which include the necessities of daily living, like food, clothing, shelter, and safe drinking water. Poverty is therefore understood as the condition where a person or community does not have the basic needs to support the minimum standards of well-being, mostly due to the lack of a continued source of income (Townsend, 1979). An assessment of the social elements of poverty considers scarcity and elements of distribution resources as well as power forces in society as determinants of poverty levels. The social elements of poverty include lack of access to information, education, health, as well as political power. Poverty may also be considered in terms of unequal social conditions and social relationship including dependency, social exclusion, and failure to participate or to establish connections in society (Townsend, 1979). This social exclusion can be reduced via higher connections in the general society. The World Bank discussed that based on their assessment of about 20,000 poor individuals in 23 countries, they identified the following elements as determinants of poverty: unstable livelihoods, excluded locations, physical restrictions, gender relations, issues in social relations, limited or reduced security or safety, abuse of power, limited capabilities, disempowered institutions, and weak community organizations (Blastland, 2007). Under these conditions, poverty can be as significant problem, restricting opportunities as well as capabilities among the population affected. The main individuals affected by this issue are the people in developing countries,